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The Four Little Pigs - FYP

General Overview:

"The Four Little Pigs" is an asymmetrical multiplayer mobile game. The players will have to correctly identify the wolf in disguise before they all get eaten. This is in one-hand mobile control design. The objective of our project is to create a mobile multiplayer game that is both fun and exciting to play with an appealing and interesting visual aesthetic. We wanted to create an intuitive user interface and controls that are developed specifically for mobile devices. I am in charge of the UI design, all art asset including 3D models, and the gameplay programming with networking.

Icon (2).png

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. Wait...No! It should be four. The three little pigs lived miserably, while the fourth one was happy being a bu. When they grew up, the mother pig said, “It’s time for you to build your own house and live for yourself.” The three little pigs said goodbye in sorrow. Meanwhile, the fourth one… The fourth little pig was excited. “Finally!” “At night I will take off my disguise and reveal my true identity!” “I am the WOLF and I will go after you!”

Final Video:

Game Setup: 

There are maximum of four players in each game. A player would be assigned to be wolf randomly and the rest of them would be in the pig team. The pig team and the wolf have different goals which lead to different endings.


Pigs: build the rocket together in order to escape.

The Wolf: kills all the piggies before they escape.

Game Flow: 

The Pig Team
      For the pig players, at daytime, they are advised to search for resources. Cutting a tree can collect logs and mining can collect the crystal. Apple can also be found in the basket located randomly in the game scene. Also, some tools will be spawned randomly in the game scene, collecting it can save players time for crafting. With enough resources, the player can design to craft tools or to build different things. 


    There is a notice reminding the player 15 seconds before the day-night changing. Pigs are advised to build houses and stay inside until the night is over. Otherwise, exposing themselves outside would cause health point decreased rapidly suffering from the cold at night. Meanwhile, the night time is also the time for piggies to craft rocket parts. However, pigs should also be careful of the outside, go out of the house to rescue other players sometimes may be essential.


The Wolf
    For the wolf player, it is almost the same with the pig players in the daytime. But they are not required to build a house since the wolf should go hunting other piggies at night. Instead, they can build other evil things such as UI disabler or traps. However, the wolf should not expose himself at daytime to prevent getting voted. At night, the pig can turn into the wolf and attack the pigs and houses. 


Crafting and Building System
    Crafting and building in two different systems although you can find it on the same crafting menu. “Crafting” is an action that cannot be stopped. The player would stay in the same position after the crafting process is done. After that, the crafted object would be spawned above. These items can be collected and used; “Building” is another action meaning to build an object on the game scene. The player can stop whenever they want in the middle of the building. Also, with multiple player building the same object, the time for the building will be shortened significantly. Once the building objects are built in the game scene, they cannot be moved and collected. 

UI and GamePlay Design: 

Please visit my FYP blog for more information:

You can also download the game in the following link:

Process of making:


Phase 1: Mobile Control

Phase 1: Online Function

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